Tetracore FlexImmArray™ 7-plex SARS-CoV-2 Human IgG Antibody Test is a multiplex test for the detection of human IgG antibodies, in plasma and serum samples, against the virus that causes COVID-19. Three SARS-CoV-2 Antigens: Detection of IgG response to the the receotor binding domain of S1 protein(RBD), Nucleocapsid protein (NP), and a hybrid of RBD and NP of the SARS-CoV-2 virus provides a very high specificity to the assay. The high specificity of antibody testing is vital for a reliable determination of exposure to the virus. Internal Controls: The multiplex panel of this test includes four internal controls in every well to assure the assay’s high performance. External Controls: The test kit includes positive control, negative control, and a calibrator for providing normalization across operator to operator, day to day, lab to lab, and instrument to instrument. Each test kit includes reagents and plates for testing 90 samples. The time to first result is one hour. The high specificity and rapid turnaround time of this test enable laboratory testing of a high number of samples in a short period. This test is available for MAGPIX®, Luminex® 200, FLEXMAP 3D®, and Bio-Plex® 200 platforms.