Domestic Preparedness

Bringing you the most important detection tools for clinical, animal health, and domestic preparedness testing.

a cow with a cross on its chest

BioThreat Alert® ELISA Kits

Tetracore offers a variety of real-time immunological solutions for domestic preparedness.

a pig with a cross on it's back

BioThreat Alert® LFA Kits

Tetracore offers a variety of real-time immunological solutions for domestic preparedness.

a pig with a cross on it's back

Molecular Biothreat Detection

Tetracore offers a variety of real-time PCR solutions for domestic preparedness.

a cow with a cross on its chest


Analyze threats and rapidly confirm biowarfare agents and veterinary diseases.

a cow with a cross on its chest

BioThreat Alert® ELISA Kits

Tetracore offers a variety of real-time PCR and immunological solutions for domestic preparedness.

a pig with a cross on it's back

BioThreat Alert® LFA Kits

Tetracore offers a variety of real-time PCR and immunological solutions for domestic preparedness.

a pig with a cross on it's back

Molecular Biothreat Detection

Tetracore offers a variety of real-time PCR and immunological solutions for domestic preparedness.

a cow with a cross on its chest


Analyze threats and rapidly confirm biowarfare agents and veterinary diseases.

Bringing you the most important detection tools for clinical, animal health, and domestic preparedness testing.

Learn about the rapid and accurate detection of the T-COR 8™ Portable Real-Time PCR System.

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